Products and services
The services of the Kotasaari island suit both private travelers and small groups. Day events can be designed e.g. for work communities. The island can be accessed by boat, by canoe or by a motorized raft.
Examples of our services
One night on the island
Includes transportation to and from the island, accommodation and the use of the canoe and the sauna.
Additional services can be agreed upon.
Price for 1 night 140 € (monday- thrusday)
2 nights 250 €
3 nights 350 €
tentsile 50 €/night
Prices include 10% vat
These are only examples; we provide a wide selection of options to meet your needs. Additional services are always agreed upon on a case-by-case basis. Contact us and ask about the possibility to order additional services such as:
- yoga/forest yoga
- ice swimming possibility
- arts and crafts workshop (e.g. reed plaiting workshop, rag rug workshop, jewelry workshop)
- forestry work using traditional methods
- bog trek
- baking traditional Finnish flatbread/rye bread/Karelian pies
- glass workshop